If a picture is worth a thousand words then below are 6000 words.
1000 words for Marsha, 1000 words for Sarah, 1000 words for Bayard, 1000 words for Yelena, 1000 words for Zak & 1000 words for Audre.
6 portraits of 6 activists that became symbols of the #LGBTQIA social movement. But they deserve so much more than that. Like Audre said “Revolution is not a one time event". So go ahead and share your support this #PrideMonth and every following month.
Pic 1: "It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences." - Audre Lorde
Pic 2: "When an individual is protesting society's refusal to acknowledge his dignity as a human being, his very act of protest confers dignity on him." - Bayard Rustin
Pic 3: “Darling, I want my gay rights now!” - Marsha P. Johnson
Pic 4: "To the world – you were cruel to a great extent, but I forgive." - Sarah Hegazy
Pic 5: “Today you are silent - tomorrow there will be no one to protect your rights.” - Yelena Grigoryeva #JusticeForYelena
Pic 6: "Smash the closet" - Zak/Zackie Kostopoulos
This art project is a way of showing love and support to the LGBTQ+ community. ❤️🌈
Produced by Nefeli Petika